Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day Two & Now I'm Sore!

The quest for health continues! Wednesday I worked out on the treadmill in the Cardio Cinema room, watching The Day After Tomorrow. I kept my speeds the same as yesterday, but I think it was a little easier to recover after my 30 sec of jogging periods. My right bicep is really sore from lifting weights on Tuesday...just another sign of how out-of-shape I have let myself become. My arm loosened up a bit as I worked out, but is still really sore. I can't even extend it out all the way. After my cardio workout, I did some leg weights. I tried to push myself a little, but not too much because I didn't want to be too sore to work out tomorrow. I also ate a lot less on Tuesday than I did on Monday, but I still ate out at Crown Burger for dinner. I won't even mention what I ate on Wednesday (New Year's Eve). I don't think I could even remember.

New Years Day I didn't workout. I woke up still sore from my previous workouts & Mom had plans to go to a movie & stuff. Eating today hasn't been anything really crazy, but not good either. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a second breakfast for lunch (bacon, eggs, & toast), lots of popcorn and Diet Coke at the theater but NO BUTTER! (yippee), and Burger King for dinner. I think taking the day off has been good for my sore muscles & I have plans to go to the gym tomorrow for Day 3 of my training program. Maybe next week I will have to get serious about regulating my diet, especially since I balanced my budget and I discovered I spent too much for Christmas and I don't have any money left for eating out!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sounds like you are making a comeback! Keep up the good work and improvement!