Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm Back! Time to catch up...

This is my first spring flower bed. I planted the bulbs & the pansies last fall & have enjoyed watching them bloom. Not bad, huh?

This is my bike on my car. I think it looks pretty cool.

This is my bike close up. Its pretty awesome, huh?

Well, I can't believe it has been over a month since I blogged last. I wish I could say a lot of things have happened, but I can't. I bet I can sum the month up in 100 words or less. :) I'm finally feeling better. It was slow going for awhile, but spring break finally put me over the top. I believe not having to think about work for 5 days did the trick. Needless to say, I wimped out on the 5k race because I hadn't been training for 2 months. I feel bad, but what can I do? It also took a while to get back to the gym. I finally went back today. It wasn't a great workout, but it felt good to be working out again. I also weigh 224.8 lbs. Not great, but not terrible either. I plan to go several times this week. I need a good stress reliever from work. The kids are driving me crazy! Its going to be a long month.

I also bought a new mountain bike. I have wanted one for years, but could never find the money. I recently received some extra money for teaching Jazz Band early morning & I decided to put it to good use. I shopped at 4 different stores & found one that will work great for me. Its a 2008 Jamis Durango with disc brakes, 24 speeds, & locking front suspension. It rides great! I love it! My friend & I went riding along the Jordan Parkway last Saturday & it was awesome! I really wanted to go riding today, but it wouldn't stop raining. That's how I ended up in the gym. I had to vent my frustrations out somehow. Anyway, I'm looking forward to riding all summer & taking it to Moab in October. Here are some pictures.