Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day Six

My workout today brings my total to four days at the gym this week! That is a new high! I worked out on the treadmill with the personal TV. The cardio cinema room was busy and they were showing a dumb movie. I only had two walking segments that were one minute long. That is one less than last time. I managed to travel 2 miles in 33 minutes and 48 sec. and my left knee didn't hurt while I ran today. After the treadmill, I did crunches and leg weights. I also got a pretty cool looking bruise on my knee when I tried to get into the hamstring weight machine. It immediately went bright purple, probably because my blood was already pumping pretty good. Its almost gone now, but it was fun to look at.

My eating habits haven't been any better. My friends and I went to Olive Garden last night. I ordered the Chicken Alfredo (I know, lots of fat...) and I consciously ate slowly even though we were starving by the time our food came. I was surprised how little I ate of the meal. I felt like I could have eaten the whole plate, but after a while of slowly savoring every bite, I was full with less than half of my plate cleared. So, I have lots of leftovers! Anyway, I know I can eat less, I just need to be more aware of what I'm putting in my mouth and how fast it goes. I think I will give myself one more week of total gym focus, and then I'll be able to concentrate on food. Hopefully by then, the gym will be more of a habit rather than a duty and I can focus on something else.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm so happy for you that you are making such great progress at the gym!! I'm sure the food part will continue to improve and come along in time. The more healthy food we eat, the less we crave unhealthy food. We begin to see how much better our body feels too! :)