Thursday, July 30, 2009

Facebook vs. iTunes

I know I already did a post today, but besides perfecting blog-art, I wanted to share another frustration I experienced today.

I recently bought a new iPod when my previous one was stolen at work. I decided to buy the classic 120 GB because all the other iPod's didn't have enough storage space for my current library. I previously had an 80 GB iPod and while it wasn't full, I had more than 30 GB worth of music & the 120 GB was the only one that would work for me. Apple doesn't sell an 80 GB iPod any more :(

ANYWAY, since I now have TONS of room, I have spent the last couple of weeks copying movies & borrowing music from family to add to my new iPod. (Don't worry, everything I'm doing is legal.) I currently have 40 GB of music and 18 GB of movies. Which should be great, right? Except, I spent AN HOUR just organizing all my songs that start with A. At this rate, it's going to take me 26 Hrs. to organize my entire library!! And I was making fun of people for spend too much time on Facebook!

P.S. If you were wondering, I haven't gotten my room cleaned yet.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's O.K. though, I've decided cleaning is rarely the most important thing to be doing at any given moment. Music is the much more rewarding route in this case I'd say. :)