Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 10.5

It has been a terrible week at work & consequently a terrible week for workouts. It was the start of a new term & I'm teaching an extra class, so I only get a prep period every other day. I also had a couple of activities after school this week, so I wasn't able to catch up in the evenings. Saturday was the first day I was able to get to the gym this week. To add to the frustration, the gym was packed & I couldn't find a treadmill to workout on. I tried three ellipticals before I found one that wasn't broken. I was about 10 sec away from giving up and going to run in the rain. Eventually I found a good elliptical & got a good aerobic workout, but I don't want to count it because I didn't officially follow my training program. I also did some arm weights & crunches, and I weigh 232.2 lbs. Hopefully, this week will be better. I also signed up for a 5K training program online, offered through A friend of mine says is a popular place for runners & races. I found it through the Salt Lake Marathon website. I will start my official 5K training on Feb 23rd (8 weeks before the race), so I have a month to get in shape. I am also going to set a goal to eat out for dinner less this week. I have been doing good with my breakfast & lunches, but dinner still needs some work. So, that is the plan. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I wish you a better week starting right now!! I bet the beginning of the semester is just crazy. Way to go for hanging in there anyway. The sunshine always comes back out again after the rain. :)