Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 12

Well, I think I have met the moment of truth. When the going gets tough, do I get going? So far the answer has been no. This week I only worked out on Monday & Saturday. Add that to the two days I worked out last week & basically I haven't been doing very well. Work has really been stressing me out & I felt myself getting sick this week. Wednesday morning I woke up feeling nauseated. I talked myself out of working out on Thursday, until my mom talked me back into it (Thanks Mom!). Then, I locked my keys, my gym clothes & my gym pass in my car after work & had to wait for my parents to come to my rescue. Thankfully they did, but I had to throw my evening plans out the window. I find myself slipping back into the same habits I've had for the past two years & I hate that about myself. I know that route won't make me happy. I had alot of time to think during my workout today because it took the people at the gym 20 min. to push the play button on the DVD player. The menu screen on X-Men: The Last Stand played over & over. It had good music, but after hearing it over 20xs, it got a little old. I had to remind myself again that work can't be my life. No matter how bad things go, or how stressed I get, I NEED to go to the gym. I NEED other priorities in my life or I can't truly be happy. So, here comes a new week. We'll try again.

My work out today went well. I managed to get through the 30 sec jog/30 sec. walk sequences & didn't feel as tired as last time. In fact, during the last 2 minutes I upped the pace so I was walking at 3.7 & jogging at 4.3. I realize this is still slow compared to other people who are in shape, but at least I'm making progress. Someday, I'll reach 5.0 or 7.0 like I see other people at. I also weigh 229.6 lbs. Cool!


Wendy said...

I can relate. I noticed I didn't work out as well last week because I had painting to do. Taking care of myself should come before painting. I tried to apply that theory the last half of the week, which is why the painting isn't done. . . It's good that you still lost weight, though!! Keep it up!

Jennifer said...

Yes, I can understand feeling sick and not wanting to do anything. I usually just get grumpy and feel sorry for myself. I'm way impressed you still got to the gym under such difficult circumstances. :)

Burton Gang said...

I didn't know you even had a blog....don't get's not easy to keep going sometimes...but you are doing great keeping trying you can do proud of your little steps and will help you feel better!! I am proud of you!!