Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boring Life

I don't really have anything to say. But, I feel like I haven't posted in a while, so I wanted to say something. This is the third week of school & things are starting to calm down & fall into a routine. It has been really nice to have all of my prep time, but I still find myself working after hours. With 5 different classes to prep every two days, I have plenty to keep me busy. I'm learning just how impossible my schedule is. Nobody should be expected to teach my schedule. Not only do I have 5 different classes to prep, but in two of those classes the students are on 3 different levels. It's like I have to teach Pre-Algebra, Algebra, & Calculus at the same time to 50 different kids. Then in the same day, I have to teach US History, Geography, & World History at the same time to a class of 30. In addition, I also have to teach a class of 50 students 5th grade biology, and three classes of Health. No wonder I'm going crazy! So far things are better than last year, but it's still tough. I would love to work in a normal Band position, where I just teach Band classes all day long. I'm still looking, but with the economy the way that it is, I'm lucky to have any kind of job. I know a few people that have lost their jobs recently, and I try not to complain too much. Things can definately be worse.

Meanwhile, things are on track to move into my friend's condo on September 19th. My brother & his family move into town this weekend, so it looks like I'll be spending the next two weeks moving stuff. That doesn't leave much room for a social life. Its a good thing I have "mini" vacation plans for the Sept 25th weekend & the Oct. 2nd weeekend! Halloween is going to be hear before we know it! If only the weather will cooperate & get cooler!


Wendy said...

Love the cute blog design! Keep up the good work with the kids. I am so amazed at the difference you make in their lives - you are amazing!!

Lisa McLachlan said...

thanks mom!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like those kids are lucky to have you. :) What a hard worker you are!