Friday, February 27, 2009

Still Sick...

Well, I managed to make it through the week. I lost my voice several times & the kids had fun laughing at me. My boss came in to observe my class & was sympathetic. That felt good, since I called in sick on Wednesday. I went to the doctor & she suspected I had a virus and wanted me to try Mucinex for a day. She also said the sudafed I was taking was making things worse. If things didn't get better in 24 hours, she also gave me some antibiotics. I was grateful for that because that was what I came in there for. I became confused when I went to the pharmacy and all of the Mucinex boxes said it clears up chest congestions. I don't have chest congestion, I just can't breath. I slept all day Wednesday & almost felt worse. Wednesday night I couldn't breath at all. After three hours of tossing & turning, I finally took more sudafed & a bunch of ibuprofen. I think I slept about four hours. Thursday was more of the same crap, but I started the antibiotics Thursday night. I still feel like crap today, but I'm hopeful things will start getting better.


Jennifer said...

Wow, Lisa you certainly caught a nasty bug! I hope those antibiotics work wonders for you very soon. Spinach, broccoli, carrots, blueberries, nuts, the healthiest food you can find, go get some of that too!

Burton Gang said...

Sorry to hear you are still so sick. That really sucks!! I hope those antibiotics work too and the sooner the better. Get rest...I think of you often.