Monday, January 5, 2009

Day Four

Good news: I went to the gym today. After a long day back to work & a frustrating drive home in the snowstorm, I still made it to the gym. It felt good to not have to think about much during the hr. at the gym. I had a good workout, too. I didn't plan on exercising hard today. My legs ached from standing all day and I was tired from the change in schedule, but I knew that I wouldn't work out on Tuesday and I would feel really bad slacking two days in a row. As my legs loosened up, I started to push myself. I walked at 3.6 and ran at 4.2-4.3, depending on how I felt. I almost kept the 30 sec walk/30 sec jog schedule the entire time, but slacked to 45 sec walks a couple of times. I even ran for a minute during two time segments. I didn't do any weights today, just crunches. I also weighed 233.2. I think that means I lost 1 lb. this week. We'll see if I can keep it off. OH! I also ate an apple today! It was the first whole, raw fruit I have had in a while (I think the last fruit I ate was two oranges the Tuesday before Christmas, about 2 weeks ago).

Bad News: Driving home in the snow after my work out took so long, I finally gave into my hunger pains and stopped at the 4th Wendy's I drove past. I was trying to find a healthy place to eat, but Wendy's was the best I could find. I did order the grilled chicken sandwhich instead of the fried chicken sandwhich. I also had a little chocolate chip cookie binge when I got home. I ate six small cookies I baked. I was going to stop at three, but I ate the whole plate before I realized what was happening! I think it was a silent rebellion from the stresses of the day. I guess if I have alot of rebellions, I should start to worry.


Wendy said...

Way to go babe! You could have talked yourself out of the gym so easily and you didn't! Keep up the good work!

Jennifer said...

Mmmm...I love homemade chocolate chip cookies! I think I would rebel every single time I had one, or five, of those in front of me too! Have me come over next time. I'll eat them all for you so you won't need to! :) I'm sure Brandon would love to help out on that one too, not to mention Emily and Marie. I love the fruit to though. We've been eating a lot of kiwis and pineapple at our house lately. Very delicious! We can't seem to get enough of the kiwis, but we also don't want to go broke buying them all the time!